Tuesday 23 February 2016

Make-up In Motion: Dirt and Stained teeth

Dirt and Stained Teeth

In this blog I will be writing about the process of producing a dirty mud look and stained teeth using make-up. These kinds of techniques are used in all medias such as film, TV and theater to create a realistic. These kinds of techniques can be used towards the ideas of my characters and I founds these techniques very useful as they could be used to create a different kind of character only by changing small elements of the body. 


- Barrier cream
- fullers earth (dirt)
- watered down blood
- Coloured bodies/hair spray
- cotton buds
- Kylon Teeth enamel
- Circuital spirit
- hair dryer

Stained Teeth and Dirt:

In this look I wanted to start off by creating stained teeth. To start this look I took a clean cotton bud and while having my client open their mouth I rubbed this over the teeth making them dry. While doing this look the client has to keep their mouth open as the teeth have to stay dry. I took the 'Kylon' black and yellow teeth enamel and using a clean cotton bud I first placed the black teeth enamel on the teeth. As I found the product did dry very quickly which was quite useful as when adding the next yellow layer it was easy to work with as it would not smudge. I was very pleased with the finished look with the teeth as it really changed the appearance of the person which could really help when transforming a character design. To remove the tooth enamel you take a clean cotton wool bud and dipping it into circuital spirit this will take it right off the teeth without causing any damage (to note - make sure this product is not consumed). However, when taking off the product it can create another good look of decaying teeth at the earlier stages which may look not as severe as this look shown in the pictures. I was also working with a new product called 'fullers earth' which is a make-up product that looks like dirt but is safe and clean to apply to the body. I wanted to create a dirty look on the face and by adding a little bit of water to the product and using my fingers I placed it on the face where I desired, as this is meant to look dirty and messy you don't need to worry about the placement of the dirt. To finish off this part of the look I also used a body spray product in the shade brown to give it a deeper tone of colour and finally added a mix of blood and water spray to the face.  

 Dirt Hands:

 I continued this look on the hands as I believe this kind of technique would be used more on this body part. I started with clean hands and while using the 'fuller earth' I added water to the product and got my model to rub their hands together. To then create the cracked effect I used a hair dryer on a cool heat to create this look. In the second photo below to create to colouring I used a brown body spray to make the colour darker and more like mud. To finally finish the look I used the mix of blood and water I sprayed it onto the hands, making it appear as if someone has fallen over and cut their hands.   

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