Saturday 16 April 2016


Final Photos, Location and Video

In this blog I will be talking about my final photoshoot and the final images that I produced for this project. I will be explaining the process of the day, why I chose the location and props and how I felt the day went.

During this shoot I wanted to consider my story line about my chosen TV series 'Grimm' and how I wanted to represent elements of the original Grimm's Brothers Tales of Rapunzel also. To recap my Story line that relates to all these elements I will explain below:

'Nick the main character of the Grimm's TV series has the power ability to see mystical creates that are hidden in there human form. Nick is the Last of the Grimm's with this power therefore using his power and his job of being a detective he must solve crimes that are based around the original stories of the 'Grimm's Brother Tales'. Claudia and Mrs. Laderman represent the Grimm's Brothers Tale of Rapunzel for this story and TV series. Claudia represents Rapunzel as she lives in a top floor apartment near the woods and she has never been outside due to the fear of the unknown, influence of horror films and that her neighbour Mrs. Laderman. Claudia is a young women of a pale completion (as she has never been outside), she has long locks of hair, is naturally beautiful and crave to brave to go outside as she loves nature. However, as Mrs. Laderman lives in the apartment floor below (representing Rapunzel's Evil step mother) she explains to Claudia that the outside world is evil in order to keep Claudia in her sight. Mrs. Laderman is a horrid looking old women with grey hair and a wrinkly face but used to be beautiful and her only wish is to regain her youth but even her powers of being a witch cannot change this. Therefore she keeps Claudia within her apartment as she reminds her of her lost youth but when Claudia tries to brave and leave her apartment Mrs. Laderman must stop this with horrid traps to scare her back inside. Claudia has to resort in calling the police (nick) as she is confused on why she is getting harmed everytime she leave her home meaning Nick is there to try and solve the case. However, Claudia manages to escape and Mrs. Laderman is not happy...'    

Final Claudia Photos (Headshots):

Final Mrs.Laderman Photos (Headshots):

Outdoor Photo Shots:

Final Photos:

Friday 15 April 2016

Final Character: Claudia

Claudia... All Made up

In this blog I will be writing about my final chosen Make-up and Hair Designs for my chosen character Claudia. I will be explaining why I have chosen these designs and how I produced these designs on my model. Down in this blog below I have quoted why I have chosen the Hair and Make-up design which were explained in one of my previous blog.

Make-up Design:

 'In my final design I have chosen a more basic make-up look as I wanted to go more natural beauty as I feel this best symbolizes my character. I have taken a lot of inspiration from the third image in. I wanted to as mentioned in every design have the pale complexion but I wanted to use a light peach eye shadow on my design as I believe this is softer than the gold look and more of a neutral tone and I will match the lips with the same colour. To finish of the eye and give a bit more detail I would add again the silver glitter in the tear duck as it represents mystery and sensitivity. I have included the same marks of horror e.g. cut, split lip, bloody nose and black eye but I have emphasize these aspects with bolder colouring and blood.'

Kit List:

- Illamaqua Matt Primer
- Nar's Foundation
- Beauty Blender
- Avon Peach blusher
- Illamaqua Liquid Metal Pallet (silver)
- Clear Eyebrow Jel
- Eye Shadow Pallet
- Scab Blood
- Modelling special Effects wax
- Liquid Latex
- Urban Decay Primer
- Illamaqua White Foundation


When I started the process of make-up on my character 'Claudia' I wanted to show two side to my character. As my character was being trapped within her apartment I wanted to show her original self in her 'Natural/True' beauty which would represent the 'Rapunzel' representation of my character I am creating. However, on the other hand I am also creating a gore version of my character as she tries to escape from her flat but is faced by the horrors of 'Mrs. Laderman'.

Beauty: To start the beauty look for my character I used the 'Illamaqua Matt Primer' and applied this all over the face then taking the 'Illamaqua White Foundation' and a small amount of 'Nar's Foundation' I mixed these product together to create a pale completion for mt character as to represent her never leaving her apartment. After applying my base I used a light peach blusher from my 'Avon' pallet very lightly on the apples of the checks to give a natural look. Then applying a small amount of 'Urban Decay primer' to the eye lids and then taking a fluffy brush from the 'Real Techniques' collection I used a peach eye shadow from the 'Avon' pallet around the eye and I brought it under the eye also which bring out the blue colour of my models eye. As I wanted a natural look to my model I used a clear lip gloss with a little bit of silver in the center of the lip from the 'Illamaqua Liquid metal pallet' and a natural clear brow gel. To add a last element of natural beauty I used a small detailed brush and a brown eye-shadow and added in fake freckles along the tops of the checks and nose. Then finished off by dusting over some 'Illamaqua loose powder' to blend them in to the natural skin, I believe that the freckles makes my character appear more natural beautiful and adds an element of innocence.  

Gore: When starting the gore element of my character I produced this over the already exciting make-up of my 'beauty' version of my character. To start this look I took colours from an eye shadow pallet to create a black eye. I started with a base colour of yellows and greens in the corner of the eye and buffed these colours out with a fluffy brush therefore it looks bruised and slightly aged. I then took a light purple and mixes of light/dark reds which I blended out from the corner of the eyes and then using a stipple sponge and 'Ben Nye scab Blood' I stippled this over the black eye. I continued this same process over one cheek. Then taking the different shades of red again I buffed in a small amount around the bottom of the nose and part of the lip. Using the scab blood again I ran a small amount below one of my model nostrils to make it appear as a bloody nose. To finish off the look I used a small amount of liquid latex on the top and bottom lip where I placed the eye shadow. When the latex was dry I used some tweezers to lift the latex so it was slightly raised and then using some scab blood and some colours from the super colour pallet I coloured it to produce a split lip. 

Hair Designs:

'In this design I have taken more inspiration from the 'boho' theme as my character Claudia is scared of the outside world but at the same time she loves the idea of the outside but is worried to explore it due to horror films and her 'evil' neighbour Mrs.Laderman. In this design I would curl the hair with a curling wand, making the hair appear long and naturally beautiful which will relate to 'Rapunzel' as she had long beautiful hair. I wanted to incorporate random three braid plaits within the hair as to add to the 'boho' theme and they will also let me put the flowers in them. Then lastly, add a spray of silver glitter in the hair which will add to the beauty of my character and the colour showing the innocence. On the other hand, I do worry that this design could be too simple when showing technique however it may suit the characters background really well.' 

Kit List:
- Curlers
- 'Claires' Silver Glitter spray 
- Fake white flowers
- Pin tail comb
- Hair Tie
- Hair spray

To start this process of creating this style of hair shown below I started by sectioning the hair. I split the hair into two section (horizontally) creating a top and bottom section. Starting with the bottom section I simply curled the hair using a curling wand and then hair sprayed it so it would last longer and then did this same process on the top section. Then next I simply did lots of three braid plaits randomly in the hair and then using the flowers I pushed them within the braid which held them in place. To finish off the look I sprayed the entire head with silver glitter spray.  


Tuesday 12 April 2016

Final Character: Mrs.Laderman

Mrs.Laderman... All Made up

In this blog I will be writing about my final chosen make-up and hair designs for my character Mrs.Laderman. I will be explaining my reasons on why I chose these designs and the process of how I produced these deigns on my chosen model. Down below I have quoted the reasons from my previous blog on why I have chosen these two designs to represent my characters.  

'In my final design I wanted to take inspiration from the stereotypical 'Witch' but adapt it to modern society and my TV series. Firstly again I will be creating the greying hair by using dry shampoo as this instantly ages a persons hair and face. I would split the hair into two by backcombing the hair at the bottom of the head to make it appear old and dry as if it about it fall out. With the top section of hair I would curl the whole of the top but then back comb each pieces and pin into place creating lots of pin-curls around the back of the head. I wanted to create this look as if my character still tries to achieve her beauty by attempting hairstyles but her age has far caught up with her shown through the backcombed ends.'  

Hair Kits:

- Pin tail comb 
- bobby pins 
- Curlers 
- Heat protector spray
- Dry Shampoo


During this process to create this look I used the pin-tail comb to section of the top part of the hair which I will then curl. Taking the bottom section of the hair and using the pin-tail comb I back-combed the ends of the hair to create a messy and tired look. Referring back to the top section of the hair I curled each piece of hair, back combed then pinned in pin curls around the top of the head. To finish the whole look I sprayed all the hair with dry shampoo to create a greying and ageing look. 

 'In my final design I have taken inspiration from all my designs, however I have changed some aspects and techniques. Instead of the creating the wrinkle with light and shades like shown in the other design I have decided to create them with the 'old age stipple' technique. I would also use a prosthetic witch nose and attach this with latex and blend in with the natural skin using foundation and different colouring of 'supercolour'. I decided to add in the red eyes in this design as I believe the tired eyes really highlights my characters feeling of stress to have youth and the red colouring really will bring out the eyes in photos. In this design I really want to achieve the witch element to my look as this is what my character is truly and I believe this will best represent her.'  

Make-up List:

- Latex 
- Hair dryer 
- Illamaqua loose powder 
- foundation
- Supercolour Pallet
- Prosthetic witches nose
- Avon (peach blusher)
- Brown eyeshadows


To start this make-up look that I have designed for my character I used the ben nye liquid latex and a stipple sponge. Using these products I used the 'Old age stipple' technique by pulling parts of the skin and covering in latex using the stipple sponge and drying with a hair dryer until it goes clear. (Making sure I tested the latex first on my model). After I had completed this method of the old age stipple all over the models face I then took the Illamaqua loos powder and dusted this across the face which takes the shine of the latex. Then using a beauty blender and a M.A.C Foundation I blended this all over the skin to make the old aged skin look more realistic. To define the wrinkles more I used different shades of brown eye shadows and an angled brush and drew within the wrinkles. I then blended these out with my fingers which defined the wrinkles more making the overall aged look more defined. Then using the 'Supercolour' pallet I took the light red and then the dark red in a gradient under the eyes to create a tired eye look. Using a lip balm I then ran this under the eye which softens and blends out the colour making it look more realistic. Lastly, to finish of the main look and taking the prosthetic witch nose I place it around my models nose and stuck it on with the liquid latex. when it was dry I added more layer of latex blending it out into my models real skin. As the nose I had was slightly tinted green I had to then cover the nose and the outer parts of it in a red supercolour as this is a contrasting colour when you apply foundation. To finish of the look I applied and blended out the foundation on the nose and coloured in the wort with the same brown eye-shadows.       

Thursday 7 April 2016


Overall Character and Designs 

In this blog I will be writing about my chosen character Mrs. Laderman and how she fits into my chosen TV series. As explained in a previous blog Mrs. Laderman will as well fit into my Tv series 'Grimm' as an old frail women living below my other character 'Claudia'. The TV series explains a Portland detective called Nick who is the last of the 'Grimms' meaning he can see mysterical creatures who are masked as humans. Through this power he solves cases to save lives. I took inspiration from the original story of 'Rapunzel' as the series is based on the 'Brothers Grimm Tales' and I thought that I could adapt this story to the characters that we were given. Below I summerised the character of Mrs. Laderman and how she fits into my designs and TV series.

Perosonalities, Bakcground and Appearance:

  • Mrs. Laderman lives in the apartment below Claudia and is always telling Claudia that the outside world is a Horror and dangerous, therefore she must never go outside and stay where she is safe.
  • Mrs.Laderman wishes to keep Claudia inside her aparement as Claudia is a beautiful young women and Mrs. Laderman was once beautiful but cannot regain her youth therefore she wishes to keep Claudia all to herself as she is a reminder of her youth. Therefore she makes sure that nothing lets Claudia leave her apartment and she uses her Witching powers to make sure this happens.
  • Mrs. Laderman is an old lady full of wrinkles and she consists of dark,stressed out eyes as she has been stress most of her life trying to regain her youth. She has a witchy nose and wort and wears dark clothing which represents her feeling, if she has any. 


Mrs. Laderman lives in the apartment below Claudia her beautiful upstairs neighbour. Mrs. Laderman is secretly a Witch however the one thing she desires even her magic cannot achieve which is regaining her beauty. Therefore Mrs.Laderman must keep Claudia from leaving her apartment as she need her as a reminder of her youth. As one day when Claudia tries to brave and leave her apartment she has trouble leaving and terrible things begin to happen to her and she return to her home. Therefore Claudia calls detective 'Nick' to investigate. As we know its Mrs.Laderman stopping her Nick begin to suspect trouble. However, Mrs. Laderman begin to become jealous as Claudia see more of 'Nick' and this causes ore trouble in the story. Does Claudia managed to escape her house?

Make-up Designs:

Design One: 

In my first design I have taken inspiration from these images shown here. I wanted to create my character as appearing very age therefore I would use a different technique of shading and light to create the appearance of old skin through colour. Under the eyes I wanted to represent the stress of my character therefore I would use either eye shadows or supercolour in shades of  red to create this tired eye look. I would leave the eyebrow quite natural as she is an older women and I  would believe she would not wear a lot of makeup. To finish off the look I wanted to introduce a part that could replicate that she is a witch therefore I would create a mole/wart like shown in my design to represent this part of her character. 

Design Two:

In this Design I have taken inspiration from my first design but I have adapted it slightly. I would still be using the same techniques of shading and light to create an appearance of old skin however I have changed this look by giving my character dark under eyes which I believe will add to the feel of being a witch. I believe the look of dark under eyes and the wort on the nose really empathizes the idea of her other character without giving to much of her character away. I really like this design however I am unsure if I can make my characters skin appear realtic in 'age' by using this technique therefore in my next design I will explain a different method that I will use.   

Design Three:

In my final design I have taken inspiration from all my designs, however I have changed some aspects and techniques. Instead of the creating the wrinkle with light and shades like shown in the other design I have decided to create them with the 'old age stipple' technique. I would also use a prosthetic witch nose and attach this with latex and blend in with the natural skin using foundation and different colouring of 'supercolour'. I decided to add in the red eyes in this design as I believe the tired eyes really highlights my characters feeling of stress to have youth and the red colouring really will bring out the eyes in photos. In this design I really want to achieve the witch element to my look as this is what my character is truly and I believe this will best represent her.  

Hair Design:

Design One:

In this design I took inspiration from movies and films I had watched with films e.g. 'Stardust'. In that film there are three witches chasing after a star to get her heart as this would restore their beauty. I believed this related to my story as both characters wish to restore 'youth' or 'beauty' in some form. As the characters in the film use up more power this causes more stress causing hair to fall out as they age therefore I wanted this age/stress to be shown in my character. I know this would be quite hard to achieve as I have never done a look like it before. However, I believe if I was to achieve this I would use a bald cap on my model and cut small holes where I would like certain bits of hair to be shown and pull the hair through with a comb. I would achieve the grey look with dry shampoo like used in my previous project and I would use latex to hide the line between the bald cap and the head. I like this design however it may be a bit too extreme along side the make-up as I want my look to appear as if it was in a modern drama/Horror series and not too theoretical.  

Design Two:

In this design I wanted to represent age in a more classic way. I would have the hair fully pulled back into a low bun and by pulling back the hair tight this instantly ages anyone face by pulling back the features. I would create the grey hair with dry shampoo which will age my character instantly as well and to add some detail I wanted to create a black streak through the hair this would reflect the evil/witch side to my character but only shown through a small element of the design. I was thinking of achieving this either by using hair chalks or by using the black supercolour by running it through the hair. At the front of the face I may pull out small pieces of hair at the front and backcomb them to further highlight age as the hair appear split and frayed through me backcombing. 

Design Three:

In my final design I wanted to take inspiration from the stereotypical 'Witch' but adapt it to modern society and my TV series. Firstly again I will be creating the greying hair by using dry shampoo as this instantly ages a persons hair and face. I would split the hair into two by backcombing the hair at the bottom of the head to make it appear old and dry as if it about it fall out. With the top section of hair I would curl the whole of the top but then back comb each pieces and pin into place creating lots of pin-curls around the back of the head. I wanted to create this look as if my character still tries to achieve her beauty by attempting hairstyles but her age has far caught up with her shown through the backcombed ends.  

Mood Board:

I have produced an overall mood board for my character Mrs.laderman. I wanted to included ideas of costume, make-up and hair that I believe my character would look like and help me inspired ideas and designs. 


Overall Character and Designs:

In this blog I am writing and explaining my make-up and hair designs for my character Claudia. I have already produced a blog of my first ideas of my characters and how they are interpreted into my chosen Horror series 'Grimm'. As previously explained the series 'Grimm' which is inspired by the stories of the 'Grimms brothers Tales' is about a Portland detective called 'Nick' who is the last of the 'Grimms'. He is tolled by his last living relative that he will see mystical creature within people that appear human. This trait help Nick through the series to solve cases and help stop evil fairy tale creature. Explained below is my overall details of my developed character Claudia.    

Personalities , background and Appearance:

• Claudia is a young women who has never left her apartment as she is afraid of the outside world due to the neighbour, Mrs.Laderman telling her about the horrors of life and that Horror films where a real reflection of the real life.
• She is a young beautiful women, with small facial features, long golden hair and a pale complexion.
• She lives in the town of Portland, on the outskirts of town next to a large woodland. She accommodates herself in a top  floor apartment that she has lived in her whole life above three other apartments which Mrs. Laderman lives one floor below.


Claudia lives in her top floor apartment and the women below Mrs.laderman informs her of the outside world telling her it is evil and bad. Therefore as Claudia knows this information from a ‘trusted’ friend and also many years of watching horror films she believes this herself, making  her never leave the house. Claudia on some occasions wishes to try and brave to leave her home but every time she leaves terrible things happen to her and this scares her to stay inside. Mrs. Laderman may be the women preventing her from leaving as she has a secret fancy for Claudia as she craves the youth Claudia have as she remind her of her lost youth. But when one day Claudia phones the police (Nick) the last of the Grimms, he turns up to help and over time they begin to have a fancy for each other. One person is not too happy of the situation and bad things begin happen. 

Make-up Designs:

Design One:

In this design I wanted to portray my character Claudia and her natural beauty through this look and design. Claudia is always inside her home and has never left therefore I will be giving my model a pale complexion by using the 'Illamaqua White foundation' mixed with a normal foundation this will represent this aspect of my character. Not only this aspect it will represent my chosen word 'White Rose' as the colour white and the Rose represents my characters youth and beauty. I have chosen to create light brown freckles around the tops of the cheeks and nose as freckles are a natural beauty and represent youth also and I really want to portray this aspect. I took inspiration from these images shown below as I chose a gold lid for my character as I wanted something quite simple but as well gold complements blue eyes (which my models has) and I believe it creates a soft and innocent look. I will has a little blush but not too much as she has never been outside, a light natural gloss lip and a natural brow. To finish of the eye I wanted a hint of shimmer gold in the tear ducks and I may use natural looking eyelashes to make the eyes pop further. I did not want to much make-up as I want my character represented as a natural beauty and really represent the isolation through the pale complexion.   

Design Two:

In this design it is inspired by the design one. I have taken the same make-up look and design but adapted it in a 'Horror' aspect. I wanted to represent the part of my interpretation of how Mrs. Laderman does not let Claudia leave her home by setting traps and setting spells. Therefore as Claudia becomes harmed as she attempts to leave home I wanted to represent this aspect in my look. I would create a black eye, split lip, bloody nose and scar/cut to the face. I would create the black eye either with the 'Supercolour pallet' or an eye shadow pallet, the split lip using latex and fake blood and the slit using wax and blood.  

Design Three:

In my final design I have chosen a more basic make-up look as I wanted to go more natural beauty as I feel this best symbolizes my character. I have taken a lot of inspiration from the third image in. I wanted to as mentioned in every design have the pale complexion but I wanted to use a light peach eye shadow on my design as I believe this is softer than the gold look and more of a neutral tone and I will match the lips with the same colour. To finish of the eye and give a bit more detail I would add again the silver glitter in the tear duck as it represents mystery and sensitivity. I have included the same marks of horror e.g. cut, split lip, bloody nose and black eye but I have emphasize these aspects with bolder colouring and blood. 

Hair Designs:

Design One:

As my character is taken inspiration from the character 'Rapunzel' I wanted to portray some of her iconic look (long hair) into my character. She is known for her long flowing locks of hair therefore by taking inspiration from these images below. I would create pin curls at the front of the head that would flow back acting as a fringe and then continue a large fishtail braid down the back of the hair and by pulling at the braid it would make it appear big. To add more detail to the hair I would place white flowers within the hair. The colour representing her innocence and it represents her desire to go outside, like she is almost there but not quite. Lastly, I wanted to add a silver glitter spray which would match the tear duck within my make-up look and is near to the colour white which represents my characters.

Design Two:

In this design I still wanted to include the element of 'Rapunzel' in my design therefore I have included big bold waves that I believe represent the element and aspect of 'princess' but have been done in a modern way. To make the look more interesting I wanted to create a big curl at the front of the hair like shown in the first photo above. Like explained in the first design I would add flowers and glitter within the hair to represent the innocence of my character. I like this design as it gives drama with its big bold curls and relates well to the 'Rapunzel' aspect. On the other hand, I want my character to seem as she loves the idea of the outside but still a bit worried therefore maybe a more of a 'boho' aspect to my characters look would be more of a suitable idea.    

Design Three:

In this design I have taken more inspiration from the 'boho' theme as my character Claudia is scared of the outside world but at the same time she loves the idea of the outside but is worried to explore it due to horror films and her 'evil' neighbour Mrs.Laderman. In this design I would curl the hair with a curling wand, making the hair appear long and naturally beautiful which will relate to 'Rapunzel' as she had long beautiful hair. I wanted to incorporate random three braid plaits within the hair as to add to the 'boho' theme and they will also let me put the flowers in them. Then lastly, add a spray of silver glitter in the hair which will add to the beauty of my character and the colour showing the innocence. On the other hand, I do worry that this design could be too simple when showing technique however it may suit the characters background really well.

Mood Board:

I have put this mood board in my blog to highlight the main concept that I would like to achieve when developing my main choice of make-up, hair and costume look.