Thursday 7 April 2016


Overall Character and Designs:

In this blog I am writing and explaining my make-up and hair designs for my character Claudia. I have already produced a blog of my first ideas of my characters and how they are interpreted into my chosen Horror series 'Grimm'. As previously explained the series 'Grimm' which is inspired by the stories of the 'Grimms brothers Tales' is about a Portland detective called 'Nick' who is the last of the 'Grimms'. He is tolled by his last living relative that he will see mystical creature within people that appear human. This trait help Nick through the series to solve cases and help stop evil fairy tale creature. Explained below is my overall details of my developed character Claudia.    

Personalities , background and Appearance:

• Claudia is a young women who has never left her apartment as she is afraid of the outside world due to the neighbour, Mrs.Laderman telling her about the horrors of life and that Horror films where a real reflection of the real life.
• She is a young beautiful women, with small facial features, long golden hair and a pale complexion.
• She lives in the town of Portland, on the outskirts of town next to a large woodland. She accommodates herself in a top  floor apartment that she has lived in her whole life above three other apartments which Mrs. Laderman lives one floor below.


Claudia lives in her top floor apartment and the women below Mrs.laderman informs her of the outside world telling her it is evil and bad. Therefore as Claudia knows this information from a ‘trusted’ friend and also many years of watching horror films she believes this herself, making  her never leave the house. Claudia on some occasions wishes to try and brave to leave her home but every time she leaves terrible things happen to her and this scares her to stay inside. Mrs. Laderman may be the women preventing her from leaving as she has a secret fancy for Claudia as she craves the youth Claudia have as she remind her of her lost youth. But when one day Claudia phones the police (Nick) the last of the Grimms, he turns up to help and over time they begin to have a fancy for each other. One person is not too happy of the situation and bad things begin happen. 

Make-up Designs:

Design One:

In this design I wanted to portray my character Claudia and her natural beauty through this look and design. Claudia is always inside her home and has never left therefore I will be giving my model a pale complexion by using the 'Illamaqua White foundation' mixed with a normal foundation this will represent this aspect of my character. Not only this aspect it will represent my chosen word 'White Rose' as the colour white and the Rose represents my characters youth and beauty. I have chosen to create light brown freckles around the tops of the cheeks and nose as freckles are a natural beauty and represent youth also and I really want to portray this aspect. I took inspiration from these images shown below as I chose a gold lid for my character as I wanted something quite simple but as well gold complements blue eyes (which my models has) and I believe it creates a soft and innocent look. I will has a little blush but not too much as she has never been outside, a light natural gloss lip and a natural brow. To finish of the eye I wanted a hint of shimmer gold in the tear ducks and I may use natural looking eyelashes to make the eyes pop further. I did not want to much make-up as I want my character represented as a natural beauty and really represent the isolation through the pale complexion.   

Design Two:

In this design it is inspired by the design one. I have taken the same make-up look and design but adapted it in a 'Horror' aspect. I wanted to represent the part of my interpretation of how Mrs. Laderman does not let Claudia leave her home by setting traps and setting spells. Therefore as Claudia becomes harmed as she attempts to leave home I wanted to represent this aspect in my look. I would create a black eye, split lip, bloody nose and scar/cut to the face. I would create the black eye either with the 'Supercolour pallet' or an eye shadow pallet, the split lip using latex and fake blood and the slit using wax and blood.  

Design Three:

In my final design I have chosen a more basic make-up look as I wanted to go more natural beauty as I feel this best symbolizes my character. I have taken a lot of inspiration from the third image in. I wanted to as mentioned in every design have the pale complexion but I wanted to use a light peach eye shadow on my design as I believe this is softer than the gold look and more of a neutral tone and I will match the lips with the same colour. To finish of the eye and give a bit more detail I would add again the silver glitter in the tear duck as it represents mystery and sensitivity. I have included the same marks of horror e.g. cut, split lip, bloody nose and black eye but I have emphasize these aspects with bolder colouring and blood. 

Hair Designs:

Design One:

As my character is taken inspiration from the character 'Rapunzel' I wanted to portray some of her iconic look (long hair) into my character. She is known for her long flowing locks of hair therefore by taking inspiration from these images below. I would create pin curls at the front of the head that would flow back acting as a fringe and then continue a large fishtail braid down the back of the hair and by pulling at the braid it would make it appear big. To add more detail to the hair I would place white flowers within the hair. The colour representing her innocence and it represents her desire to go outside, like she is almost there but not quite. Lastly, I wanted to add a silver glitter spray which would match the tear duck within my make-up look and is near to the colour white which represents my characters.

Design Two:

In this design I still wanted to include the element of 'Rapunzel' in my design therefore I have included big bold waves that I believe represent the element and aspect of 'princess' but have been done in a modern way. To make the look more interesting I wanted to create a big curl at the front of the hair like shown in the first photo above. Like explained in the first design I would add flowers and glitter within the hair to represent the innocence of my character. I like this design as it gives drama with its big bold curls and relates well to the 'Rapunzel' aspect. On the other hand, I want my character to seem as she loves the idea of the outside but still a bit worried therefore maybe a more of a 'boho' aspect to my characters look would be more of a suitable idea.    

Design Three:

In this design I have taken more inspiration from the 'boho' theme as my character Claudia is scared of the outside world but at the same time she loves the idea of the outside but is worried to explore it due to horror films and her 'evil' neighbour Mrs.Laderman. In this design I would curl the hair with a curling wand, making the hair appear long and naturally beautiful which will relate to 'Rapunzel' as she had long beautiful hair. I wanted to incorporate random three braid plaits within the hair as to add to the 'boho' theme and they will also let me put the flowers in them. Then lastly, add a spray of silver glitter in the hair which will add to the beauty of my character and the colour showing the innocence. On the other hand, I do worry that this design could be too simple when showing technique however it may suit the characters background really well.

Mood Board:

I have put this mood board in my blog to highlight the main concept that I would like to achieve when developing my main choice of make-up, hair and costume look.

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