Saturday 16 April 2016


Final Photos, Location and Video

In this blog I will be talking about my final photoshoot and the final images that I produced for this project. I will be explaining the process of the day, why I chose the location and props and how I felt the day went.

During this shoot I wanted to consider my story line about my chosen TV series 'Grimm' and how I wanted to represent elements of the original Grimm's Brothers Tales of Rapunzel also. To recap my Story line that relates to all these elements I will explain below:

'Nick the main character of the Grimm's TV series has the power ability to see mystical creates that are hidden in there human form. Nick is the Last of the Grimm's with this power therefore using his power and his job of being a detective he must solve crimes that are based around the original stories of the 'Grimm's Brother Tales'. Claudia and Mrs. Laderman represent the Grimm's Brothers Tale of Rapunzel for this story and TV series. Claudia represents Rapunzel as she lives in a top floor apartment near the woods and she has never been outside due to the fear of the unknown, influence of horror films and that her neighbour Mrs. Laderman. Claudia is a young women of a pale completion (as she has never been outside), she has long locks of hair, is naturally beautiful and crave to brave to go outside as she loves nature. However, as Mrs. Laderman lives in the apartment floor below (representing Rapunzel's Evil step mother) she explains to Claudia that the outside world is evil in order to keep Claudia in her sight. Mrs. Laderman is a horrid looking old women with grey hair and a wrinkly face but used to be beautiful and her only wish is to regain her youth but even her powers of being a witch cannot change this. Therefore she keeps Claudia within her apartment as she reminds her of her lost youth but when Claudia tries to brave and leave her apartment Mrs. Laderman must stop this with horrid traps to scare her back inside. Claudia has to resort in calling the police (nick) as she is confused on why she is getting harmed everytime she leave her home meaning Nick is there to try and solve the case. However, Claudia manages to escape and Mrs. Laderman is not happy...'    

Final Claudia Photos (Headshots):

Final Mrs.Laderman Photos (Headshots):

Outdoor Photo Shots:

Final Photos:

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