Saturday 12 March 2016

Hair Designs:

Final Design for Hair

In this blog post I will be writing about my hair designs that are based on my characters Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. I have already chosen my make-up design which represents the idea of growth and highlights the image of the evil within everyone which is shown through the idea of veins/infection. Within my hair designs I really want to represent my character while also including the style of the men of the Victorian era. As I have already research the Victorian man I have found that self grooming was a very new aspect of this era which was mainly involved by the richer man as he could afford grooming products. From the 1860's-90's most men started to grow sideburns and this became the fashion of more facial hair that was groomed and shaped. Side whiskers wear very popular as well which could be worn with or without a moustache as might the fringe beard as well. ( Some information linked from this website) For the hair most men began to wear it in a low side parting which may or may not been slicked back and sometime curl the hair on top of their heads. As well as hair grooming a lot of accessories became popular in this period just like the women e.g top hats. I will be explaining below my hair designs and my reasons behind them.

Design One:  

In this design I wanted to represent my character through his profession. In the novel we know that Dr.Jekyll is a scientist which is how he develops the character of Mr. Hyde, therefore I wanted to capture this element through this hair design. I research further into reference images of mad scientists (shown below) as even though Dr.Jekyll was not portrayed as 'mad' in the novel I would gather that to create such a character as Mr.Hyde he must some elements of being mentally unstable. The generic look of a mad scientist is big crazy, stuck up white hair. As Dr.Jekyll is only middle aged I did not want to give him completely white hair but just hints of greying hair in my design as she can show the stress of my character which I would create through using dry shampoo. I would either use hair spray or even gel to create the stuck up crazy look of hair and then add the dry shampoo evenly over the whole hair, but not too much as I do not want to age my character to much, just show stress. I really like this design as it represents my character stress and occupation, however I feel it does not relate to the time it was set (Victorian era ) as it does not follow any research that I have shown during any of my blogs.  

Design Two:

In my second design I wanted this look to be more relateable to the time period that my novel was set (Victorian). I researched into male hairstyles of the Victorian era and found these reference images that are shown below. They show a low side parting with slicked back hair on the main area of the head and I believe this was worn by high class and respected men just like Dr.Jekyll which is why I believe this design suit with my make-up design very well. The look is very simple and would be very easy to repeat again for my continuity unit. The process of this hair would only involve dividing a low parting with a pin tale comb and slick all the hair back again either with hair spray or gel. Then finally to finish look I would again like the first design spray dry shampoo all over the hair to create a slightly greying look to represent the stress of Dr.Jekyll's secret.   

 Design Three:

In my third again I wanted to reference the Victorian era into my design again as this is when my novel is set therefore making my interpretation of the character more believable. Like the second design I wanted to create a low side parting which is slicked back but to change the design I want to create layers of curls. I wanted to create this as it was a very high fashion for men of this era, especially men of high class like Dr.Jekyll due to his occupation. I wanted to create this look as I feel it best represents the era and my character. Like the other designs I will again include the dry shampoo into my look to create ageing as I believe this technique show not only age but the real stress of my character trying to deal with the big secret of the novel. I feel it I can repeat this look as long as I structure the curls correctly which I will do with the 'Brick Work' method so I know the exact same areas to curl when repeating this look.    

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