Tuesday 29 March 2016

Inspired Hairstyles #2

Clown Hair

In this blog I am writing about another inspired look. In the lesson we were given an example of a 'Clown' inspired hair look inspired by an image on 'Pinterest'. In this unit I am learning to take inspiration from other sources to produce my own characters and by being taught these techniques this will help me within my design for my chosen series 'Grimm' and my characters. Below I will be writing about the techniques and tolls I used to produce this inspired look. 


- Two Hair ties
- Pin Tale comb 
- Curlers 
- Hair Pins

In this first step we were tolled to adapt the look and make it more interesting by adapting the parting on the 'katie doll' heads. Using my pin-tale comb and the end of the comb I pulled the hair back with the comb and create a zig-zag moment. Then when this movement is created pull apart the hair which will leave the zig-zag parting like shown in the picture. This may take a couple of times in practice if you have never done this before and make sure to brush the hair though before creating as to make it easier to create.

When the zig-zag parting has been created take two hair ties and create two simple ponytails on either side of the head by gathering the hair on either side and tie them up. Then using pre-heated curlers curl either ponytail.  

Then using the pin-tail comb backcomb each ponytail and by having each ponytail pre-curled this will help make the buns bigger as it gives them more volume. Separating each ponytail into four sections curl each over and then pin into place using a bobby pin. Using the pin tail comb push the hairs to make the bun appear as one. Then repeat this technique on the other side.


In this blog I found this technique quite simple as I have created something quite simular in the previous unit. However, the concept is very helpful making me think into what can inspire me for my research to create my characters 'Mrs. Laderman and Claudia' to fit into my series 'Grimm'. 

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Inspired Hairstyles:

American Horror Story

In this blog I am writing about inspired hairstyles from Horror Tv series. In this blog I am writing about the chosen hairstyles from the popular TV series ' American Horror story'. It is a horror based series described as an anthology series. Each season is conceived as a mostly self-contained miniseries with interesting characters a setting. we were putting together a look from one of the characters in the series to help gather an understanding of horror series styles which may help me within building up my designs. 

In this look we were shown an example on how to re-create this characters hairstyled played by the actress and singer/song writer 'Lady Gaga'. The style is quite classy but also ages the person by its short length and position. 


- Hot hair rollers
- rollers and clips
- bobby pins 
- hair spray


To start this look I pre-heated my hot roller and sectioned the front section of the hair into a low side parting. When the rollers where heated I took the smaller front section and a red roller and roll a small section and clipped it into place. When the shorter side has two rollers in makes sure both are clipped in and move on to the longer side of hair. Taking the pin tailed comb section the front section into three and roll the hot rollers so the hair rolls towards the ears like shown in the first picture. 

In the next step taking the hair at the back of the head continue the hot roll curl method down the back but using the 'Brick method' to follow. Starting from two rolls, then three, then two then one. When all the rollers are set into place, hairspray the whole head and wait until the curls are cool and then take them out. 

Taking the front section with the high parting I swoop the hair around the side of the head and then clipped into place at the back of the head with a bobby pin and continued this on the other side. As the hair at the back of the head gave me lots of thick curls I took each section of curl working from the top to the bottom of the head I created a swirl and pinned it into place. Do this all over the back of the head until all curls are pinned into place. 


Overall, I am very pleased how this look came out however to improve on my look I would have heated my rollers for longer as my curls did not come out as tight as they should have. I may use this look for my Mrs. Laderman character as I am representing her as an older women and as my model is younger than her age this may help represent her as an older women.  

Horror and Fashion:

Horror and fashion: 

In this blog I will be writing about the relations between the Horror genre and fashion. In this lesson we were shown some relations between these two subject which could help me develop ideas for my unit project but also understanding how fashion develops ideas. 

Kit list:

- Illamaqua white foundation
- Supercolour pallet
- Flat brush
- Illamaqua highlight pallet
- foundation brush
- angled brush


In this look we were given a choice of Horror related makeup looks and I choose this look to copy as I loved the mix of colours around the eyes. To start this look I started with the base of the face I used a round foundation brush to apply and buff into the skin. I then started on the the eye area as it was the main aspect of the look. I took the light purple colour and using my finger I patted it in around the eye bringing it round the eye. I then took the pink and using the same technique I patted the colour around the outside of the purple. Using the highlight pallet from Illamaqua I took the pearl shimmer colour and place this in the  corner (tear ducked ) and I repeated this same look on the other eye. Taking an angled brush and the black super colour I draw thin eyebrows (like shown in the picture) over the original eyebrows. To finish off the look I took the purple super colour and patted it in the center of the top and bottom lip and then getting my model to rub her lips together I created a messy lip which match the eyes.   

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Gelatin Moulds

Creating Light scares using moulds...

In this blog I will be writing about the process of applying gelatin moulds to the skin. As we have been learning about 'continuity' during this unit this process can be very important to make-up artist. For example when an artist will want to repeat a look such as cuts if the gelatin moulds are made they can be re-used making them exactly the same in shape and form with only the skill of colouring left down to the artist. 


- Gelatin Mould 
- Supercolour Pallet
- Fake blood
- Procaine
- Which Hazel
- Foundation
- Beauty Blender 
- Powder
- Fluffy brush
- Cotton buds
- Stipple sponge


To start off this process we were given pre-made scar moulds. The moulds are made by pouring hot, melted gelatin into a pre-made mould and when it is cool the gelatin would have set and would be ready for use. A tip when making the moulds are too place talcan powder in the mould first so it is easier to peel out the mould. 

To start using the mould I wanted to place mine on my wrist therefore by using a special protechics glue called 'Procaine', take a cotton bud and place this over the area where you would like to stick your scar and the apply some to the back of the scar. You have to wait till both your wrist and the mould have gone clear from the glue and then you can stick them together, otherwise the glue may show through which will not look realistic. 

When you have stuck your mould to your hand I then took a cotton bud and which hazel and rubbed this over the edges of my mould to thin out the mould. I needed to thin out the mould so when applying make-up to it, it would look more blended into my real skin. I did find this process very long winded but it is very nesseaurary to do so. 

When I thought my mould was blended enough I powdered over the whole mould to take away any shine. I then took a beauty blender and applied a foundation over the mould and blended it out into my real skin. 

To finish off the whole look I used the colours; yellow, dark and light red and a little blue to create the colourings within my scar. I used a stipple sponge to stipple on an even amount of fake blood to then finish off the look. 


- When using the which hazel I would have taken more time in blending out the edges as I believe this would have improved on the realism of my scar.  
- I need to practice and study more into the colourings of scars as I believe I need to make it more realistic which I will achieve through practice. 


Sunday 20 March 2016

Chosen TV series, Characters and Word


In this blog I will be explaining my research and my first ideas of my characters for my horror series and my reasons behind my development. I will be explaining my chosen series and how my characters fit within my series and what I would like to do with my ideas. I have produced all this information into a presentation which I will explain below and from this blog I hope it will give a summary of my first ideas and how I will work of them to develop these characters into real life.  


Chosen Series and why?:
      Grimm is a series about a Portland detective called Nick Burkhardt who works on Grimm cases and has seen many horrid aspects of life. Nick begins to see visions of normal people momentarily transforming into hideous monsters and as he becomes confused he goes to his only living relative to find out the truth. The truth is his visions are that he has inherited the ability to see supernatural creatures  and he is known as a ‘Grimms’. His job is to keep the balance between mankind and mythological creatures. Throughout the series we find that a ‘big bad wolf’ becomes his friend and ally helping him solve his cases when he returns to work to fight against criminals who are far worse then the fairytale fancies let that we have all once known.
        I watched the trailer of all the series suggested to us but the ‘Grimm 'series really stood out to me. I love the aspect of the main character ‘Nick 'being the last of his kind and is the only human left that can see the monster in disguise. The concept of the series takes something as innocent as fairytale stories/creatures and puts a dark twist on them making a really interesting contrast for a plot. I am excited to start researching further into this series and how I can adapt this to create characters that in some way can relate to me as everyone knows fairytale stories. And now I can adapt them in my own way. 
      The series is set in the City Portland, America in a small town surrounded by woodlands. In the Gothic setting is very important as it sets the scene for all the characters and seen in the introducing trailer it shows a case taking place deep within the dark woods. Woods and Forest represent the edge of society as it is the wilderness that we do not know lurks around every corner. A Forrest is mainly involved in children fairy tale stories like ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and some say it represents the unconscious mind and that a child running through a dark forest show the child exploring their dark fears within themselves. It is also a form of circle of life and is controlled by mother nature therefore human have no control off what could be lurking. I really like this contrast between society and wilderness and I feel I could adapt these location into story, design and hopefully small montage film.  
Example of the trailer from the TV series: 

Audience Demographics:

       Target Audience and why they may relate to ‘Grimm’:
        Typically men would watch horror films as they involved blood, gore and action which mainly would appeal to men. However, as time has moved on women have become a popular target audience for Horror films and TV series. During my research I could not find the information of the target audience of ‘Grimm’ however I research into why women are found to ‘love’ horror films/TV more than men making them a prime target audience for most producers of the Horror genre. In my research I found a website (linked below) that stated the scientific reasons behind this. It states that when watching a horror genre that our brain has not really adapted to technology and it explains ‘We can tell ourselves the images on the screen are not real, but emotionally our brain reacts as if they are’.  It then goes on to state that when studying men watching horror that the more they watch it the more they enjoyed it, as sparks says ‘There’s a motivation males have in our culture to master threatening situation’.  Furthermore, women enjoy horror due to the rush they get from the tense scene and embedded romance that can occur.  Referring it back to ‘Grimm’ I believe from my research that women between the age of 13-35 will be more appealed to be there main target audience due to its fast pace horror and also relation to fairy tale which women have more of a sentimental memory, relating it to there childhood.
        As the series is called ‘Grimm’ it is said to be based on the original stories by the Grimm’s brothers ‘Grimms Fairy tales’. These stories where some of the first original fairy tale e.g. ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and in this series they have taken these elements of fairy tales and adapted them to a horror genre. This inspiration that the series is based gives a big relation for most people, mainly to their childhood making it very relatable for most viewers. 


How do they fit in with the series?
        As the series of ‘Grimm’ is based of the tales of Brother Grimm I wanted to relate my character to one of their original tales. Claudia is afraid of the outside world and always stays inside her apartment therefore my first thoughts were ‘Rapunzel’. Rapunzel was always trapped inside her castle and never aloud out because of her wicked, so to be believed mother tolled her that it was an unsafe place to be and she should never leave the castle. To put a modern twist on this story I would have Claudia playing a beautiful women who would never leave her apartment due to the fact that her neighbour tolled her the outside world is dangerous and was made more believable by this fact as she thought all the horror films she watched were based on true events/real life. The main character from ‘Grimm’, Nick will be involved with her as she  calls for his help when she is attack by booby traps or horrors every time she tries to conker her fear to leave her apartment, making her more frighten of the outside world. But surprisingly we find the two (Claudia and Nick) become to have a liking for each other and someone is not pleased to hear of this news.
How will the setting inform your character?
       My character is based on off course Claudia but as well Rapunzel and therefore as the ‘Grimm’ series is based in a town near the woods I would have her living in an apartment of houses (which Mrs. Laderman lives as well) which is based on the castle in the tale. Claudia’s apartment is based by the edge of the town near the wood and she lives on the top floor of the apartment which again will be the reflection of the castle and its heights stopping her from leaving.

What will you need to change/add to your character?
       As my Character will be a modern interpretation of ‘Rapunzel’ I need her to represent some elements of her character and personality. She would appear beautiful to everyone including small facial features but off a natural beauty. Her hair would be long and of a golden colour but her complexion quite pale as to highlight the many years she has never enter the outside.

How will the look appeal to audience demographics?
        As my character represent an aspect of beauty some men may find this appealing but I believe the main target audience will be of women between the age of 13-35 as they may want to aspire to look like Claudia especially as she gains a lot of male attention. 

Key Word: White Rose

Why did you choose this word?
         I chose the word white rose as it can represent a lot of aspect for a novel or TV series. White is the colour of innocence and I believe this can highlight my character really well as she is being convince that the outside world is cruel and evil therefore this innocence is covering over her knowledge. I also thought this word relates to my characters appearance as it is an interpretation of Rapunzel who originally represents youth and beauty through her long locks. I can represent this youth and beauty of a rose through my character as well. The word ‘white’ will highlight her completion due to her fear of the outside world she never been outside meaning her skin will be as pale as a ‘white rose’ due to the lack of sunlight but she still contain the beauty of one. 
What scene do you see your character in – reference the setting and styling of character, character motivation
      Setting: Character is based on the idea of Rapunzel which in the original story she live high up within a tower therefore to put my character into modern terms I will have my character living in a top floor apartment of the town of Portland where my TV series is based.
       Styling: As Rapunzel represented youth and beauty due to the magic powers of her hair I wanted my character to represent youth and this is also why my word ‘White rose’ relate very well as roses are a representation of beauty and a beauty of nature. The word white as explained before will represent her completion and livelihood as she has never left her home her skin is rose white due to the lack of sunlight.
       Character Motivation: As my character is afraid of the outside world her motivation is to try and ignore all the years of bad thoughts of the outside and try and brave to go outside. However, due to my story she may struggle to get out the front door.  
What else do you now need to do?
     - I would like to research into the original story of Rapunzel and study this and to see if there are any other horror adaptations of this novel already.
     - To what into the series of ‘Grimm’ and find out if I need to adapt my story so all my elements can relate.
     -  Create hair and make-up designs and practice which ones work best. 

What did they Key word inspire you to investigate?

I researched into Editorial Images that related to my chosen word ‘White rose’. The images shown below shown what I have found and when researching this will help me later on when planning my make-up and hair designs. As a rose is a natural element I found that these images used a neutral pallet of make-up on their model as to relate to this natural aspect. I want my character to have this look of a neutral pallet therefore making her appear naturally beautiful and innocence but with a pale completion as to relate to the fear she has. All these images give a theme of appearing dainty and beautiful as the main focus of colour is very pale but at the same time quite contrasting. Overall, I would like to take inspiration from these images to help me develop the ideas of the look behind my character, Claudia.  

Mood Board of overall character: 

         In this mood board I have summerised all my ideas and research together and put them into this board. I have summerised her overall look that I would like to produce for 'Claudia'. Overall, I would like to design Claudia as a representation of of Rapunzel but with a modern twist that fits within the series and the chosen word. I would like Claudia to have a beautiful pale complection represented by the rose and her lifestyle and small facial features of beauty. Her hair will be golden or brown but lay very long down her back.   

Mrs. Laderman:

How do they fit in with the series? E.g. Job; lifestyle; plot motivation
       Mrs. Laderman is an older women in her sixties who lives below Claudia and convinces her that the outside world is a horrid place to be so she must never leave her apartment. Mrs. Laderman is a frail old women who wishes to redeem her looks and youth as she was once beautiful. I have taken the story of ‘Rapunzel’ just like with Claudia’s character and the mother in the story wishes to be young forever. Mrs. Laderman is based on this character but instead of being Claudia’s mother she is in fact her ‘trusted’ friend and ally. Mrs. Laderman wishes to be young and admires Claudia for her beauty and has a great fancy for her, wanting to keep her all to herself. Therefore she convinces her the world is a terror making Claudia trapped within her own worries so Mrs. Laderman can look after and admire Claudia. As the story is based for the series of ‘Grimm’ Mrs. Laderman is secretly a witch who sets up horror traps with her magic when Claudia tries to brave and leave her house leaving Nick (the last Grimm) to try and save the day. This makes Mrs. Laderman mad as she likes Claudia and wants no man in her way.   
How will the setting of the series inform your character?
       My Character is based on the novel of ‘Repunzel’ just like Claudia and she lives underneath Claudia in a downstairs apartment symbolizing the evil mother in the original story. I wanted both characters to be in apartments with Mrs, Ladermans below Claudia's as she acts as a barrier for Claudia to leave as she wishes to keep her all to herself.
What will you need to develop for your character? Consider make-up/hair/styling.
       For my character as she is craving for her youth and beauty I may represent her as old and not very attractive as to further express why she desires this youth. She is an old women and quite mad so I will need to represent this through her hair and clothing. Her hair could be slightly falling out or greying to highlight age and on her face deep wrinkles and a wart to represent her other hidden self, the witch.
How will the look appeal to audience demographics?
       As I have stated before the series I believe would be mainly for an audience of women aged 13-35 due to the facts stated in my previous slide. I believe that Mrs. Laderman could appeal to either sex in this age category as she is the ‘Fear 'aspect and most audiences who watch horror watch them for this factor.       

Key Word: Veild

Why did you choose it.
       I chose the word ‘veild’ to represent and add to my character as it relates to her hidden personality of being a witch. The word veiled means ‘not openly or directly expressed; masked; disguised hidden; or obscure' taking from this definition my character Mrs. Laderman is seen from the outside as an innocent old women to many but secretly she is hiding her other personalities of being a wicked witch controlling Claudia’s life.         
What scene do you see your character in – reference the setting and styling of character, character motivation?
       Setting: To involve my character within the series of ‘Grimm’ I have her living in tower block of apartments below Claudia representing the story of Rapunzel and the evil Mother. Mrs. Laderman represents the mother living below her making sure she never leaves her home just like in the novel. Therefore the setting is very important for my series and story as it is the whole prevention of Claudia’s freedom but Mrs. Laderman safety of keeping her youth close to her.
       Styling of Character: I have adapted my character Mrs. Laderman from the original version as I want her to appear very old in looks. She is a women in her sixty, with either greying or falling out hair to further highlight her age. She was once very beautiful and crave the youth she once had but even the powers of being a witch can not bring this youth back. As she is secretly hiding this other identify I want a small element of it to be shown through her mortal being therefore I would place a wart or mole on her face as a symbolizing of this.
       Characters Motivation: As mentioned before Mrs. Laderman was once a beautiful women and her main wish is life is to regain her once youth and beauty. Therefore living below a women of her twenties with long locks and beautiful features she wanted she began to admire her and want her to herself. Using her controlling powers and innocence's of being a frail old women she convince Claudia the outside world is a dangerous place and as Claudia watched horrors too she began to believe this is what life was really like. As Claudia tries to brave to the enter the outside world  Mrs. Laderman sets up traps and horrors to make sure she never leaves. This plot leads to horror, jealousy and romance.    
What else do you now need to do?
       - I need to research further into the TV series to gain a better understanding of what I am relating my characters too.
        - Create planned looks by creating face and hair charts to start designing my character.
        - Practise my idea and put them into action. 

What did the key word inspire you to investigate?

I researched into Editorial images for my investigation of my word ‘Veild’. I have collected together a group of reference images based on my word which I believe can help me with my development of make-up and hair designs later on. As the word I chose is ‘Veild’ I believe it can represent hiding or covering an identity which I want my character Mrs. Laderman to be as she is hiding more than one element in her life. In the images below the main colour pallet is ‘black’ which I believe can represent my character again as black is the colour of mystery and this is the main theme that Mrs. Laderman  highlights. 

Mood Board:

In this mood board like shown in 'Claudia's' one I wanted to summerise my total ideas of Mr.Laderman's look. I want her to portray Rapunzel's mother but instead of a mother like a guardian and a friend. She will appear old and frail from the outside and to everyone else. However, to the last 'Grimm' (Nick) she will be seen as a wicked witch which is her true form which represents her veild/hidden personality. She will have greying hair and a wort on her face as a small symbol to the outside world about her true identity. 


To continue on my research I will now start developing ideas of face and hair chart design to produce. For my final outcome I would like to shoot the picture within the woods or either in an old apartment block to represent the story-line that I have produce. Overall, I will be making up designs and I would if I manage my time well produce a small montage clip of both my characters which will represent them plus my story-line. 

New Unit:

Introduction of Claudia and Quentin; A Love of the Dark

In this blog I will be explaining the introduction and tasks of my new unit that still considers the theme of Gothic horror. We have been set the task to base our new designs of characters on a Gothic TV series out of a chosen list along side two characters and a word to represent them. Throughout this blog post I will explain in more detail what it will involve and what I will be wanting to achieving in this unit. 

I wanted to start by researching peoples interest and attraction to horror as to many it can be quite hard to understand the interest to wanting to scare yourself while others gain pure enjoyment out of it. When researching I found this video shown below that explains the Psychology of our brain in why we like scary films but a part of the clip explain why we find it attractive and what is horror. Stated by the video and by 'Glen D. Walters' horror has three facts firsts being; Tension the element of being on edge for a scene and as human its the unknown, then Relevance meaning it needs to relate to the audience for them to connect better to the story-line and lastly, Unrealism even if we are watching it we known that really it does not happen. Overall, he states that these three elements make up a horror film cause as when we watch it in a film we know that it is all fiction but for young children they become more scare of these factors as they find it harder to understand the different between reality and fiction. (link to the website) 

Why Do we like Horror (Psychology) ?: 

The video later goes on to state there are 4 categories of watching horror which are;

  • 'Gore watching – characterized by low empathy, high sensation seeking, and in males a strong identification with the killer
  • Thrill watching – high empathy and high sensation seeking – motivated by the suspense of the film and more identification with the victims.
  • Independent Watching – high empathy for the victim with a high positive effect of overcoming fear
  • Problem Watching – high empathy for the victim but characterized by negative effect – sense of helplessness.'

Other Attractions to Horror: 

- Temptation to play God
- Interest of fear and death
- The possibility of salvation 
- The taboo
- Monsters within us
- Inhumanity 
- or do we like being scared ?

A real life example would be the first and second World Wars as people experience inhumane actions that goes against our human views. This is one example of a horror film that has come to life most like to watch horror films as it gives us a 'rush' of excitement as the terror is happening on screen but not to us in real life. However, when these horrors come to life like in war we cannot cope as it goes against this rush and is just pure fear. 

The Task:

During this unit I will be having to pick out of three characters called; Claudia, Quentin and Mrs. Laderman. Shown below is the quoted description from the brief of the three characters and I must choose two characters to incorporate into my chosen horror series and also chose a inspirational word to represent both of them.   'Claudia
a great deal of kitsch décor. She is agoraphobic and is kept in touch with the outside world by her neighbours who provide her with her every day requirements.  She models herself on a variety of girls often twisting her look to suit whichever film she is watching at the time and there is often
a nod to the main character in the current film within her appearance.
Claudia is a girl in her twenties. As a child she was left alone to develop with little parental guidance and through her relationship with T.V. movies developed an unhealthy relationship with Horror films, believing this to be the way life really is.

All the scenes take place in various parts of Claudia’s apartment, which is European in style with

The script portrays her as psychotic and there is always the feeling that although her character is scripted/can be seen as humorous, danger is just around the corner.   However all this is normal to Claudia and she is of a cheerful disposition in this mad world of hers.

Claudia has an imaginary boyfriend, Quentin, who is long suffering and a constant disappointment to her. They don’t live together but he visits regularly and they talk on the telephone if he can’t get in to see her. As he is part of her imagination his appearance changes to suit her mood. Sometimes he will be a David Beckham looking guy, whilst in another scene he will appear as a Pete Docherty type, Daniel Craig type or a Hollyoaks Babe. If she is having a bad day he will morph into an uncouth couch potato chav with all that brings with it.

He is as into the horror film genre as she and into role-playing to suit her whims and moods.
Claudia has a paranoid suspicion that he is constantly having affairs behind her back and keeps him firmly under her thumb, sometimes restraining him or keeping him prisoner in one of the rooms.

Mrs Laderman
Claudia’s neighbour in her 40’s. She alternately changes into a variety alter egos and is Claudia’s friend and confidant. Living in the apartment opposite, she was Claudia’s only link to the outside world. Although they are friends there is suspicion that Mrs L’, has desires on Quentin. In fact she has desires on Claudia.'

During this unit I must consider many aspects of many areas. When producing and developing my characters firstly I need to consider my horror element and how I can adapt my chosen character to fir within my chosen TV series. I also need to know what kind of target audience to aim for as if its an younger audience it would have to be less graphic or scary as to fit that age group compared to an older audience. Then with my characters what characteristics they will obtain and their appearance and backstory. When choosing my word I want it to have a deep meaning and relate within both their personality and looks. These elements are what I am going to aim to achieve and show within my development work.